ABOUT i(mE))

Welcome to my literary medical wonderland, where personal experience, medical advocacy and authenticity give flight to compelling stories. Step into my world of poetry and prose where invisible illness and disability take centre stage. 

Originally born under the South African sun, but now call the mountains of New Zealand home. I am a writer by choice but a chronic illness warrior by design. In my early twenties I was diagnosed with a rare chronic illness called Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction that leads to recurring pancreatitis. While the diagnosis flipped my world upside down, once I caught my breathe I was able pursue my long lost love of creative writing. 

After numerous hospitalizations and trailed medication I was finally able to start my writing journey at the University of Waikato. I  had the privilege of being under the tutelage of Catherine Chidgey and Tracey Slaughter at University of Waikato, where I graduated with a Masters in Professional Writing with honors. 

My writing philosophy is that representation matters. Stories can be used to create meaningful awareness of marginalized community (whether its the disability or queer community) that can lead to inclusion in time.  My stories are also often happily queer. I believe sexuality is on a spectrum and I love showcasing a wide range of queer narratives. I believe own voice narratives are often  make the most compelling stories.